Labor Day in OR 2019 – On the Way

Like years before we left on Wednesday to Greg’s parents for the Labor Day weekend. We picked the kids up right from school and headed out. We drove to Bend, OR which is a 5 hour drive, a bit over half way.

We’ve found this cheap hotel that we really like. They have nice rooms and an indoor pool. We had told Jayse before hand that we could go to the pool but he could only just relax in the hot tub. He wasn’t allowed to get his ear wet because of his surgery.

We should of known it would be so difficult for him to not swim. I spent most of the time arguing with him on why he couldn’t swim. It was pretty awful. I was about to just leave and go back to our room but he promised he wouldn’t ask anymore. I let him get in the pool but he had to stay on the steps. Him and Jaelee ended up playing a game together where they did some handshake, rock paper scissors and whoever lost the other got to pinch the others check and hold it while they did it all over again.

Not much longer we went back to our room and went to bed.

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